Latvian Travel database

Information for tourists
Tourism information centreTravelling agency
Places to stay
HotelsMotelsGuest housesHoliday housesYouth hostelsApartmentsRest facilitiesCamp sitesSummer housesTent sitesNight shelters
Places to eat
Can deliverPicnic sitesRestaurantsBarsCafesMeal you prepare
Hot tubEntertainmentBilliardSports fieldsSwimming poolsBowlingHuntingBath housesHorse ridingGymWintersportsNight clubSaunasFishingSwimming placesCartingGolfSpaRecreation centre, platformTennis
Room for rent
Conference roomsBanquet hallsFireplace halls
Parking placeShipsCar rentalEvent organisationBicycle rentalEquipment rentalBoats for rentTour-guidesShopsSun-parlor
ParksPalaces, museums, churchesEconomy surveyNature objectsHandicraftsman


<< [780 .. 800] (4509) >>
Name Phone Address
BILLISU ZIRGKASTANA 371 3056243 pie "Billisu" majam, Sidrabenes pag., Jelgavas raj.
BIOLOGISKA SAIMNIECIBA - BOLANI 371 26496601 BOLANI, Selpils pagasts, Salas novads
BIOLOGISKA VESELIBAS SAIMNIECIBA - MARTASKALNS 371 28709990 MARTASKALNS, Atasienes pagasts, Krustpils novads
BIOTOPU TAKA 371 29488925 Veclaicenes pagasts, Aluksnes novads
BIPLAN HOTEL*** 371 299999950 18. Novembra iela 50, Daugavpils
BIRINI PALACE 371 64024033 Birinu pils, Birini, Vidrizu pagasts, Limbazu novads
BIRZES 371 26439970 Kvapani, Gaigalavas pagasts, Rezeknes novads
BIRZES 371 64125568 Miglas iela 6, Cēsis, Cēsu novads, Latvija, LV-4100
BIRZES 371 26256214 Matkules pagasts, Kandavas novads
BIRZES 371 29246137 Birzes iela 10, Kegums, Keguma novads
BIRZGALES NOVADA MUZEJS - RUKI 371 65034195 Parka iela 2, Birzgale, Keguma novads
BIRZITES 371 26538894 Birzites, Rojas pagasts, Rojas novads
BIRZTALAS 371 63600358 Birztalas, Labrags, Jurkalnes pagasts, Ventspils novads
BIRZU LUTERANU BAZNICA 371 28762023 Birzi, Salas novads
BISTRO KIKELE 371 64473199 O.Kalpaka iela 27a, Gulbene
BITANI 371 26319479 Bitani, Selpils pag., Salas novads
BITES BLŪZA KLUBS 371 67333123 Dzirnavu iela 34a, Rīga
BITITES 371 29436203 Malupes pagasts, Aluksnes novads
BLAGOVEST TURSERVISS 371 67279756 Kr. Barona 51-2a, Riga
BLAIZAS 371 29498285 Blaizas, Annenieku pagasts, Dobeles novads

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