Latvian Travel database

Information for tourists
Tourism information centreTravelling agency
Places to stay
HotelsMotelsGuest housesHoliday housesYouth hostelsApartmentsRest facilitiesCamp sitesSummer housesTent sitesNight shelters
Places to eat
Can deliverPicnic sitesRestaurantsBarsCafesMeal you prepare
Hot tubEntertainmentBilliardSports fieldsSwimming poolsBowlingHuntingBath housesHorse ridingGymWintersportsNight clubSaunasFishingSwimming placesCartingGolfSpaRecreation centre, platformTennis
Room for rent
Conference roomsBanquet hallsFireplace halls
Parking placeShipsCar rentalEvent organisationBicycle rentalEquipment rentalBoats for rentTour-guidesShopsSun-parlor
ParksPalaces, museums, churchesEconomy surveyNature objectsHandicraftsman


<< [800 .. 820] (4509) >>
Name Phone Address
BLANKENFELDES MUIZA 371 20222854 Blakenfelde, Vilces pagasts, Jelgavas novads
BLANKENFELDES MUIZAS APBUVE 371 63064536 Vilces pag., Jelgavas raj.
BLANKENFELDES OSIS Blankenfeldes muizas parka, Vilces pagasts
BLIDENES MUIZA Blidenes pagasts, Brocenu novads
BLIDENES PAMATSKOLA Blidenes pagasts, Brocenu novads
BLUE MARINE 371 67325364 Eksporta iela 3a, Riga
BM TRAVEL 371 67228276 Caka 71, Riga
BODY SPORT 371 67316941 Stabu iela 30/1. Rīga
BOLENU AVOTS Madonas raj.
BONDARISKU VECTICIBNIEKU LUGSANU NAMS 371 65471464 Bondariski, Malinovas pagasts, Daugavpils novads
BON VOYAGE 371 67320250 Torņa 4 - IIIa, 104. kab., Jēkaba kazarmas, Rīga
BORDENTAUNA 371 65381852 Jersika, Jersikas pagasts, Livanu novads
BORDERTAUNA 371 63881361 Robezas, Novadnieki parish, Saldus region
BORMAŅI MANOR (BEGINNING OF THE 19TH C.) Trapene parish, Ape region
BOSA TRAVEL 371 67280711 A. Caka iela 37-3, Riga
BOULDER OF MICA Vireshi parish, Ape region
BOULING CENTR MOON 371 67840505 Vaidavas iela 4. Rīga
BOULINGS SMILTENES 371 64707445 Baznīcas laukums 2, Smiltene
BOZEVAS EZERS 371 29149202 Bozevas ezers, Rugaju pagasts, Rugaju novads
BOWLERO CENTRS 371 67804600 Lielirbes iela 27, Riga

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