Latvian Travel database

Information for tourists
Tourism information centreTravelling agency
Places to stay
HotelsMotelsGuest housesHoliday housesYouth hostelsApartmentsRest facilitiesCamp sitesSummer housesTent sitesNight shelters
Places to eat
Can deliverPicnic sitesRestaurantsBarsCafesMeal you prepare
Hot tubEntertainmentBilliardSports fieldsSwimming poolsBowlingHuntingBath housesHorse ridingGymWintersportsNight clubSaunasFishingSwimming placesCartingGolfSpaRecreation centre, platformTennis
Room for rent
Conference roomsBanquet hallsFireplace halls
Parking placeShipsCar rentalEvent organisationBicycle rentalEquipment rentalBoats for rentTour-guidesShopsSun-parlor
ParksPalaces, museums, churchesEconomy surveyNature objectsHandicraftsman


<< [140 .. 160] (4509) >>
Name Phone Address
LIVANU STIKLA MUZEJS 371 65381855 Domes iela 1, Līvāni
LIVONIJA 371 67973066 Pulkveza Brieza iela 55, Sigulda
LUKSTI 371 29174981 Luksta ezers, Trapenes pagats, Apes novads
MAKISKALNS 371 22019068 Upesloki, Milzkalne, Smardes pagasts, Engures novads
MAZIRBES KALEJI 371 28829474 Kaleji, Mazirbe, Dundagas novads
MELLUZI 371 67767524 Getrudes iela 4, Melluzi, Jurmala
METEORĪTS 371 64773265 Augsta iela 1, Smiltene, Smiltenes novads
MORE - DEER FARM AND PARK 371 29444662 Saulstari, Mores pagasts, Siguldas novads
NEMO 371 67732350 Alkšņu street 30 , Vaivari, Jūrmala
NICAVA 371 63486379 Nicava, Nicas novads
PARK HOTEL BRŪZIS 371 64773708; 371 28630180 Brūža iela 2, Smiltene, Smiltenes novads, LV-4729
PASTNIEKA MAJA 371 63407521 Brivzemnieka iela 53, Liepaja
PIEJURAS KEMPINGS 371 63627925 Vasarnicu iela 56, Ventspils
PIE RIČARDA 371 26543546 Kronvalda iela 43a, Cesis
PILKALNES MUIŽA 371 29341352 Pilkalnes muiža, Pilskalnes pagasts, Neretas novads
PILS 371 63124919 Pils iela 7, Kandava
PLAUCAKI 371 63254991 Plaucaki, Pūrciems, Rojas pagasts, Rojas Novads
PUSSALA 371 29151184 Jaunmuizas Pussala, Aglonas pagasts, Aglonas novads
RADI 371 29538230 Atputas baze Radi Lielciecere, Broceni, Saldus novads
Rehabilitācijas centrs "Līgatne" 371 64161915 Skaļupes, Līgatnes pagasts, Līgatnes novads, LV -4108

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